From Asheville, North Carolina, Dana and Susan Robinson will grace the stage at the Music Box in Craftsbury on Sat. Jan. 4 at 8 PM. They bring to the stage an exciting blend of original songs of the American landscape and oldtime Appalachian mountain music. With Dana on guitar and fiddle, Susan's clawhammer banjo playing and harmony singing they bring a joyful energy to their concerts. Their music is the sound and feel of bedrock America.
A native of the Pacific Northwest, Dana relocated to New England where he discovered both a thriving songwriters scene and the deep well of traditional mountain music. In the early 1980’s, Dana settled in northern Vermont and built a house “off the grid” (no electricity and phone) on 30 acres near the Canadian border. There he founded a popular bakery, café and folk music venue. Dana launched into full-time touring after the release of his 1994 debut CD, Elemental Lullabye, and after receiving a request to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City for Putumayo’s Shelter benefit project. Sue grew up in a musical family in New England. She studied piano, oboe, and Scottish fiddle before meeting Dana in 2002. Sue was working in the environmental field in California when she met Dana at a house concert. Upon moving to North Carolina a short time thereafter, Sue launched into studying with many of the great oldtime musicians in the Asheville area, and naturally adapted to the on-the-road lifestyle. These performers travel the range of the US and they’ve captured a fan base in the UK, too. Accomplished musicians who have many stories to tell of their travels, they are the quintessential folk performers. You can see videos of the duo andhear some of their songs at More information about the concert can be found at or 802-586-753
Lisa Sammet
147a Creek Rd.
Craftsbury, VT 05826
Mar 11, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM
Better Connections MeetingMar 12, 2025, 6:30 PM
Visiting Artist Talk - Kathy LiaoMar 12, 2025, 8 to 9 PM