Do you have a talent to share, a poem you wrote, pictures of your artwork or craftsmanship that you'd like to share with your neighbors? Make plans to join us on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 6 pm for the 68th Annual Randolph Center Carol Sing. Fiddlers, story tellers, short skits, from young and old with community carol singing in between the acts. Bring some holiday treats to share. The Old Red School House in the Center will be decked for the season and perhaps a jolly ol' fellow will make an appearance, too. Reply to this message to let me know if you have something your family and friends or just you would like to share. Pictures of artwork will be projected. Seasonal work is especially welcome.
Enjoy the Thanksgiving season with some time preparing for the Christmas/Hanukkah season. While you count your blessings, remember that we are all blessings to each other.