Peaceful Death Planning

Past event
Nov 13, 2017, 6:30 PM

Please join us this Monday evening for Peaceful Death Planning: Spiritual & Practical Tools to Prepare for Life’s Final Transition.

Preparing for a peaceful death is a life enriching exercise that carries extraordinary benefits for yourself and your loved ones. Practical and spiritual options will be offered to help guide you through this important work.

Time: 6:30p.m. Join us early for an optional 30 minute sitting and walking mindfulness meditation practice at 6:00p.m.

Location: 27 State Street, Montpelier, above the Capitol Grounds Cafe

Cost: FREE! This workshop is part of the Monday Speaker Series at the Holistic School of Business and comes at no cost to you.

This talk will be presented by Linda Cannon-Huffman. After receiving a Masters Degree in Public Health, Health Education, and personal experiences with the death of loved ones, Linda began her study as an end of life care giver. This interest led her to research transition beliefs and customs from Western, Eastern and Shamanic perspectives. She is a Conscious Dying Guide and is honored to offer her experience for this sacred process.

Each week will include the opportunity for group discussion and networking with peers.

To see the Full List of Speakers and to RSVP, please visit:

Be sure to check out all of our upcoming FREE Tuesday Night Workshops as well:

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