Castleton Free Library "VT Farm Kids" Film

Past event
Nov 14, 2017, 6 to 7:30 PM

We are thrilled to be screening a new film at Castleton Free Library - “Vermont Farm Kids: Rooted in the Land,” produced by Maria Reade and filmed by James Chandler, in conjunction with this year’s NOFA-VT Agricultural Literacy Week. This short documentary depicts the unique and poignant stories of farm kids (ages 10-28) from across the state of Vermont. The film expresses the importance of what it means to each child to grow up on their own farm, and how their experiences have shaped their lives.

Abbie Nelson, NOFA-VT’s Education Director says,“This film is an opportunity to hear stories about what it is like growing up on a farm, leaving the farm, and returning. We expect it will highlight the important role farm kids have in Vermont and bring a new understanding to their contribution to our agricultural state.” Even more exciting for us - the film features our local friends at Old Gates Farm (the Jacoby-Stevenson family)!

All are welcome to this free evening of simple soup & bread supper and film viewing at 6:00 pm on Tue. Nov. 14th. Zenon and family members will be here for conversation and celebration. Please call 468-5574 if you have any questions.

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