Fairmont Farm - Benefit Celebration for Liz

Past event
Nov 16, 2017, 5 to 7:30 PM

On July 31st our farm experienced a terrible accident. Our calf manager, Elizabeth Conway (Liz), was attacked and critically injured by a cow. She spent nearly two weeks in the Intensive Care Unit at the UVM Medical Center, another week and a half at UVM Medical Center and then yet another week and a half at the Rehabilitation Center at Fanny Allen. Liz is now at home where she is continuing her recovery, making progress each day. We invite you to a Celebration of Recovery for Liz. We will have a warm meal, shirts available for purchase, a donation jar and a Silent Auction. Our silent auction contains wonderful donations from many local businesses. All donations and proceeds will be given to Liz and her family for expenses incurred while she was in the hospital and recovering at home.

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