Wanted to let folks know about the playgroup I just started at the Community Center (above the Coop), Saturdays from noon to two, ongoing. It's free, for young kids and families, come one come all!
I realize that an earlier time would probably be better for many, but there is bootcamp from 10 to 11, so I thought this was the best alternative. It starts around lunchtime, so I will provide snacks to help out. If enough folks want to try to squeeze it in before bootcamp, or try doing it on Sunday perhaps, I'm happy to oblige!
There are lots of arts and crafts supplies, room for active fun, and a variety of open-ended building, pretending, and creative materials, with more on the way. Hope to see y'all there!
(If anyone has questions, please give me, Drew Sy, a call at 793-4008!)