Selectboard Meeting and Forum Nov. 6

Past event
Nov 6, 2017, 6:30 PM

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a meeting on November 6, 2017, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building. The first agenda item will be a public forum to set the stage for our update of the town’s hazard mitigation plan. This plan is designed to guide the town’s efforts to improve our disaster resiliency, mostly focused on our roads infrastructure and floodplain management. The plan is a FEMA expectation and required if the town wants to participate in federal hazard mitigation grant opportunities. Stephanie Smith, hazard mitigation planner with Vermont Emergency Management, will be here to provide guidance on how to navigate the plan development and approval process – a somewhat daunting task.

Please take a look at our current plan and the FEMA plan review tool (go to the meeting link below) to get a sense of the process. Public input through direct participation in the plan development or by giving feedback on the various draft plan iterations is vital.

More on the plan and the meeting here:

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