MMYBL - Rec League Evals

Past event
Nov 4, 2017, 12 to 4 PM

Registration for the 2017/2018 MMYBL season is open for children in 1st - 8th grade.

The mission of the Mount Mansfield Youth Basketball League (MMYBL) is to provide a safe and supportive
environment for area youth to learn and have fun playing basketball. The Rec League is open to everyone in
grades 1 - 8 in local schools, regardless of skill level or prior experience. The goal of this league is to teach the
fundamentals of the game. Players are assigned to teams within their grade levels through a skills-evaluation
process, with the goal being equally balanced teams.

Teams for grades 3 through 8 usually practice one evening each week and play games against other MMYBL
teams on Saturdays. Teams for grades 1 and 2 practice and play their games during a one-hour time period
on Saturdays.

While games are competitive, the emphasis is not on winning, but rather on instruction and skills
development. All Rec League players receive equal playing time, regardless of skill level.

Recreation League Evaluation day will be held on November 4th at the MMU gym
(please enter through the rear of the gym)
Girls All grades 12:15 -1:15 pm
Boys 3rd & 4th grade: 1:30 – 2:30 pm
Boys 5th - 8th grades: 2:45 – 3:45 pm

All fees and payment options remain the same as last year:
• Rec league $45 for first child, $25 for second child, $90 max for a family

Please feel free to forward this information on to other families in the MMYBL area (Huntington, Richmond,
Bolton, Jericho, and Underhill) who you think may be interested.
To find out more about the league and to register, please visit

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