Arlington Lions Club Membership Meeting

Past event
Nov 2, 2017, 7 to 8:30 PM

Looking for Ways to Serve Your Community…
Arlington Lions May be for You

The Arlington Lions Club is very much alive, active and dedicated to serving the needs of Arlington and the surrounding area.
In the past two years, the Arlington Lions have provided three scholarships for graduating seniors; had a float in the Memorial Day parade; provided the “pool” and accompanying pavilion at the Arlington Recreation Park; sponsored the Norman Rockwell Reunion; provided vision screening for two schools in our area; delivered sand to senior citizens for their icy steps and pathways; put up and maintained the Christmas Lights on the town green; co-hosted the American Legion Christmas Party and participated in the Tree Lighting; hosted a Sunday afternoon Bingo event, sponsored the 3rd Grade Class Trip, in addition to the Club’s core mission of providing support for eyeglasses and hearing aids to those in need.

Is there more the Arlington Lions would like to be doing. Absolutely yes. But doing more means more members are needed. To learn more on how you can help serve the community, please join us at our Open House on November 2nd at 7pm at the Village Peddler (East Arlington). Residents of Sandgate and Sunderland are encouraged to join as well.

We’d love to have you join us. Can’t make the Open House but interested in learning more, call 375-6037.

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