We’re planning a frightfully good time for Halloween. Here’s the schedule of events for Fright Night (October 31):
4:30 Pizza at Town Hall
5:00 Trick or Treating in the Village and Trunk or Treating*
5:30 Carved Pumpkin Judging the Reading Public Library
6:00 Fright Night Fun at Town Hall
* Trunk-or-Treating is a chance for people who don’t live in the Village to hand out candy from the decorated trunks of the cars. A prize will be awarded for the best-decorated trunk! Please email me for details.
Everyone’s invited, and volunteers are welcome!
For more information, contact a member of the Reading Recreation Commission: Joe Braun at 203-313-1468, Stephen D’Agostino at 802-484-5425, Lisa Kaija at 802-952-8395, or Lisa Morrison at 802-952-1011
See you on Halloween!