Pumpkin Carving for All of Us!

Past event
Oct 28, 2017, 12 to 2 PM

Ever want to carve a pumpkin but just did not get around to it? Here's your chance! Young or old or in-between, come on over to The Mound, a new little landmark in East Randolph on Saturday, October 28th at noon. We'll give you a pumpkin and some carving tools to use. You can carve two, one for our display and one to take home--or as many as you want, until supply runs out. We'll also have free pizza on hand--and a "door prize"! This event is open to all. We'll use the pumpkins to make a stunning public Halloween display, candles and all, on top of The Mound. It will be beautiful!

The Mound?! It's a little spot right on Route 14, just 1/4 mile south of East Randolph village on the right if you're driving south.

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