Updated to include location: Join us at Farrell Chiropractic Center located at 213 VT Route 15 Jericho.
Have you ever wondered if home birth is right for your family? Or why anyone would choose a home birth? This film tells the stories of doctors, midwives and nurses who attend births in hospitals choosing to have their babies at home. It is a critical and thoroughly researched look at how we are providing maternity care in the US and the choices we are giving families about that care. After the film join local midwives, doulas, and families who have had home births for a discussion about the choices and options here in Vermont. Join us at Farrell Chiropractic Center located at 213 VT Route 15 Jericho. FREE and family friendly. Light refreshments served.
Mar 12, 2025, 7 to 8 PM
Town of Essex Sand Hill Rd Truck Traffic StudyMar 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
CVSD HR Committee MeetingMar 17, 2025, 5 PM