2108 Foster Hill Rd. S. Woodbury 9 AM- 5 PM. A real mix of items, largest collection of cookbooks, teen books, toys, skis, Lange Boots , ski boot bag, single ski with seat attached, ski pole hand guards for racing, 2 microwaves, coffee makers, baskets, wine glasses, champagne flutes, 2 desks, new cooker, bread machine, copper kettle, beautful 30"ornate copper tray can be used for coffee table, antique trunk, clothes. Size 6 1/2 to 7 shoes/black boots, lots of lovely clothes, mittens, fun slippers, lots of vases, scrapbook paper, candle holders, beta fish tank, hsmpater cage, sewing machine, holiday items, Full bed flannel sheets, and more!
Mar 1, 2025, 7:30 PM
Snow and ShowMar 2, 2025, 2 to 6 PM
Puzzle Challenge at Brown Public LibraryMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 1 PM