Women Marching Forward October Meeting

Past event
Oct 29, 2017, 4 to 6 PM

Greetings All,
Our group will meet again on Sunday, October 29, 2017 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM at the Southern Vermont Learning Collaborative. Please note, that women and men of all ages are warmly invited to join us.

For this month's meeting, we are delighted to welcome Meg Mott to speak. Here is her proposed topic:

The U.S. Constitution provides an important framework for reducing tyranny. It also contains some dangerous loop holes. We'll briefly consider some important civil liberties and then we'll look at how the war powers clause eroded those liberties under some very wonderful presidents (Lincoln and FDR).

The Japanese Internment cases are a good example of "war fever" running amok through all three branches of governments, on both the state and federal level. Under those conditions, it was very hard to persuade the population at large, let alone the elected officials, that due process or other constitutional protections were necessary. We might think about the effects of our current endless wars (such as the War on Terror and the War on Drugs) and the symptoms associated with a chronic case of war fever.

Part of my effort will be to show how both the left and right are succumbing to this chronic condition. Free speech and due process for sex offenders has become taboo on the left. On the right, the rights of the accused are trivialized under a law and order campaign. The war fever theory suggests that the problem lies more with the body politic than with one party.

Jane Addams would say that women are in a particularly good position to address that fever since they are less interested in going to war. Is that still true? I wonder what your group might say about women's unique skills at reducing fevers.

Please note that the location is not 100% firm so stay tuned for subsequent messages or e-mail marti.r.anderson@gmail.com to confirm where we will be.

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