Upcoming Healing Workshops at Railyard Yoga

Past event
Oct 21, 2017, 10:30 AM to 12 PM

Hello Folks!

I'm writing to announce a healing business that I've started for which I've scheduled several upcoming events at Railyard Yoga at 270 Battery St. in Burlington. These are opportunities to come learn and experience simple, gentle energy healing techniques. I'd love to meet you!

Saturday, October 21st 10:30 am-12:00 pm, $14

Join us for a workshop on the Prema Dharmadhatu, a sacred healing energy of the Divine Feminine. This sacred symbol means ‘seed of truth’ of ‘point of truth’. The Prema Dharmadhatu helps both the giver and the receiver to experience expanding love, supporting each of us to expand through resistance, gently move past blocks, and connect to pure love. Come learn how to activate this powerful healing symbol for yourself and others!

Saturday, November 11th from 10:30 am – 11:30 am
$14 per child/adult pair • $3 each additional child

Come to Railyard Yoga for an experiential workshop for kids of all ages (especially ages 3-8) and their grown-ups. The Prema Agni is an energy healing symbol which opens the heart to give and receive love. In this workshop, we will learn how to activate the Prema Agni for ourselves and others. We’ll also do an art activity and a story if time permits. Infants and older kids also welcome.

Sunday, October 29th from 11:15 am-12:15 pm, Free!

Sai Maa Diksha is a hands-on technique whereby the giver places his/her hands on the receiver’s head and allow this Divine Light to flow directly into the brain, initiating the process of enlightenment by illuminating the mid-brain where our densest patterns and memories are held. Many have experienced powerful and lasting effects from Diksha such as miraculous changes in their lives, experiences of awakening, raising of their state of consciousness, and an increase and deepening of love within them.

In this free training, you will experience Sai Maa Diksha and be trained to offer this profound blessing and initiation to others. Sai Maa Diksha and all of Sai Maa’s work is designed to support you in whatever lineage you are a part of or whatever religion you practice. All are welcome!

Every Wednesday in October from 1:30 to 3:00 pm.
Kids free. Adults pay-it-forward $7 to the charity of their choice.

Drop-in every Wednesday at the Railyard Yoga Studio anytime between 1:30-3pm. Experience and learn how to activate the Prema Agni - a powerful energy healing symbol that opens the sacred heart, allowing us to give and receive love more deeply. Or, receive a mini Rising Star - an energy healing that returns higher frequencies to the human energetic system to promote wellness. All ages welcome. Kids and infants included!

802-495-9435 • info@delynhall.com • railyardyoga.com • delynhall.com

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