9th Annual Northfield Art Show, April 25-27, 2014

Past event
Apr 25, 12 PM to 4 PM, Apr 27, 2014

The Paine Mountain Arts Council will try something new for our 9th Annual Art Show. Instead of holding the show in January, as in previous years, the show will be held the last weekend of April 2014 at the Community Room, Brown Public Library in Norhfield. Artists live or work in the Northfield area (including Roxbury & Berlin) may exhibit their work. A Call to Artists and applications will be sent out in early March. If you would like to be on our email list, or if you would like more information, please contact Pamela Druhen, PMAC board member, druhens@tds.net, 485-9650 or Isabel Weinger Nielsen, PMAC chair, isabelwn@gmail.com, 485-8910. Updates will be posted on FPF and our website at painemountainarts.wordpress.com.

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