Selectboard Meeting Monday

Past event
Oct 16, 2017, 7 to 9 PM

The Essex Selectboard will be meeting on Monday, October 16 at 7 PM in the Town Offices at 81 Main Street. The agenda includes the following items:

-Public to be heard.
-Interviews will be held for volunteer positions on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Burlington International Airport Technical Advisory Committee, and Essex Rescue Community Advisory Board. The appointments may be made after an executive session discussion.
-The SB will discuss possible improvements to West Sleepy Hollow Road.
-The SB will consider a MOU between Efficiency Vermont and the Essex Energy Committee to participate in Button Up Vermont.
-The SB will hear a presentation from Sand Hill Solar, LLC about a potential solar array.
-The SB will discuss a City of South Burlington Airport Resolution for regional governance of the airport.
-The SB will consider a MOA for a trail mapping project with University of Vermont students.
-The SB will consider adopting Rules & Regulations for Orderly Conduct of Business.
-The SB will consider adopting the Selectboard Computer Use Policy.
-The SB will begin preparations for the FYE2019 budget, capital plan, and articles.
-The SB will discuss operations of the Senior Van. This may be done in executive session.
-The SB will identify key community members to be interviewed as a part of the manager recruitment process.
-Approve the minutes for September 26 and October 2.
-Approve the consent agenda.

The official agenda can be viewed on the Town website:

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