October Toxic Whiteness Bag Lunch Discussion Group

Past event
Oct 13, 2017, 12 to 1 PM

October 13, 2017. 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm at the Peace and Justice Center
Each discussion group will begin with a different reading, video, or audio file that sets the tone for a facilitated discussion.

It is harmful to racial justice work when white people’s emotional needs are prioritized over those of people of color in multi-racial spaces. This space is held specifically for white people, to help process how white supremacy culture is toxic to white communities and individuals. It seeks to help people who experience white privilege see and understand how undoing racism directly benefits them. One hope is that by having a separate space to process toxic whiteness, white people will be better able to allow for the emotional needs of people of color to take priority in multi-racial spaces.

This free monthly drop-in discussion rotates days every three months. For October, November, and December it is held on the second Friday at noon.

For more information contact program@pjcvt.org or 802-863-2345 x6


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