1. Call to Order 7:00PM
2. Non-Agenda Items 7:00PM
3. Joint Meeting Between the Hinesburg Community School Board and the Selectboard 7:05PM
4. Consider Signing Contract with Connecting Youth for Pass-Through Funded Grant 8:05PM
And Receive Report from Connecting Youth’s Program Director
5. Discuss Upgrades and Maintenance of the Mason’s Building 8:15PM
6. Discuss FY2015 Buildings & Facilities Budget 8:30PM
7. Discuss FY2015 Recreation Department Budget 9:00PM
8. Interview Applicant for Energy Committee 9:20PM
9. Town Administrator’s Report 9:30PM
10. Selectboard Forum 9:40PM
11. Consider Approving Warrants 9:45PM
12. Consider Approving Minutes 9:55PM
13. Adjourn 10:00PM
For Complete Selectboard Packet Please Go To: http://www.hinesburg.org/selectboard/meeting_packet/
Contact the Town Administrator if you have any further questions: jcolangelo@hinesburg.org; or 482-2281x221
Mar 3, 2025, 6 PM
Stillwater MeditationMar 8, 2025, 9 to 10 AM
Cooking to Save on Food Costs WorkshopMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM