Fall Foliage Contra Dance on Tuesday!

Past event
Oct 3, 2017, 7 to 10 PM

On Tuesday, October 3, at 7:00, there will be a special Fall Foliage contra dance in the Willey Building, with Adina Gordon calling, (and she will also be the caller for the regular November 11 monthly 2nd Saturday dance). Adina brings clarity and enthusiasm to her teaching and calling, and is always a favorite caller at the Cabot dance. The dance will be in the Willey Building, with its newly-resurfaced floor! Come celebrate fall foliage with locals and leaf-peepers!

(And on Apple Pie Festival day, October 14, at 7:30, the regular 2nd Saturday dance will feature a special caller: the renowned Dudley Laufman, from Canterbury, New Hampshire, who has been calling contra, square, and barn dances for 65 years! Famous for his dry wit, and his ability to get everyone dancing with a minimum of fuss, he rarely calls in Vermont, so take advantage of this great opportunity to dance to his calling!)

You can come to the dance alone, with a friend or spouse, or your whole family. Each dance is taught without music, then is “called” or prompted while you dance with the music, until everyone has it down. People typically change partners between dances, and anyone can dance either part (usually called “ladies” and “gents” for convenience). The Cabot dance is particularly beginner-friendly, so we hope you will give it a try!

Hope to see you at the dance!

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