Cornerstone Creative Community Inaugural Gathering, Sunday Oct 1st 12-4 PM
If you are working or interested in the creative sector within East Central Vermont or in any connecting communities, Cornerstone Creative Community (3CVT) invites you to this premium grassroots networking opportunity. The program is designed to bring you valuable information and the possibility of working with us on our next steps in branding and promoting our dynamic communities. If you consider yourself to be a creative working directly in the arts, food, publishing, film, IT or design world, you name it...You want to be at this meeting!
3CVT is a committee of working volunteers who are helping broaden and build partnerships within the creative economy in the East Central Vermont region.
Event located at
FABLE FARM, home of
FEAST & FIELD Farmers’ Market
1525 Royalton Turnpike Road
Barnard, VT 05031
For more information about the event go to:
or contact Chris Damiani
Mar 4, 2025, 11 AM to 2 PM
Art Exhibition Pop-Up at Reading GreenhouseMar 8, 2025, 3 to 5:30 PM
Celebration of Life for Ron ThompsonMar 9, 2025, 3:30 to 5:30 PM