When the Hogback Ski Area went out of business, the T-bars were removed from the ski lift cables and stored in various places. Now that the ski area is part of the Hogback Mountain Conservation Area, we’ve decided to try to preserve these artifacts from the early days of skiing in New England. On Sunday, Oct. 1, we’ll meet at the Grant Road entrance at 9:00, then take a short hike to where a cache of old T-bars is stored. We’ll have a small wheeled vehicle to help us transport them out of the woods. A Hogback fan has offered us secure storage space in the second story of his barn, so we’ll ferry them there and get them settled in their new home. Give us a hand and enjoy a look into Hogback’s skiing past. Don’t know where the Grant Road entrance is? Find a map on our web page (hogbackvt.org; click the Maps tab). Directions: from Route 9 about a mile east of the gift shop at Hogback, turn south onto Butterfield Road. Grant Road will be the second road on the right, about a mile south of Route 9.