A Service of Remembrance, Grief, and Healing

Past event
Sep 24, 2017, 3 PM

Together Towards Healing

Guibord & Sayles Funeral Homes will host A Service of Remembrance, Grief, and Healing to be held Sunday, September 24, 2017 at 3PM at the Lyndon Center Baptist Church. Led by Rev. Jim Proctor and Rev. Joel Stoddert, this service is to remember those victims of suicide and other tragic, unexpected deaths who have affected our lives, to grieve for them and for ourselves, and to begin the healing that needs to happen after these kinds of tragedy. There will be a Memory Book with space for names, pictures, memories, good-byes, prayers or any other messages you wish to leave. (Please keep pictures to no larger than 3x5.) Everyone is Welcome. A light reception will follow.

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