Pelvic Health Before and After Baby -Saturday, Dec. 14th 11 - 12:30pm
Hello! Katie DeCarolis, PT (owner of Pelvic Health) is holding a workshop in collaboration with Yoga Roots of Shelburne.
Do you have children, are thinking of having children, or are pregnant right now? If so, this workshop is for you! Even in the most health and uncomplicated of pregnancies and deliveries, a woman's body will experience changes in posture, joint stability, breathing, and muscle function. Left untreated, these changes can cause problems down the road in the form of pelvic/low back pain, loss of bladder or bowel control, and problems with intimacy.
This workshop will help you become more familiar with your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, help you determine what's normal and what's not normal, and give you strategies to maintain/regain your strong health body.
Please call Yoga Roots to register - 985-0090.