It was great to see so many folks turn out for the Legislative Forum this past Monday. Thank you!!
If you would like to talk about legislative issues this Saturday morning, I will be at Trader Duke's... between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m., at my usual table at the end of the booths by the front windows.
fyi. My vile cold, which was so much in evidence at the forum, has been slowly weakening its hold. By Saturday, I should be able to again think and talk normally... and in no way resemble a walking contagion.
Maida F. Townsend
State Representative
Chittenden 7-4
232 Patchen Road
[Chittenden 7-4 covers all of the Chamberlin neighborhood, over to and including Lime Kiln, Country Club Estates, and White Rocks; the southern side of Williston Road to the west of Route 116, all streets from Village Green to and including Deane Street, and over to Dorset (#8-372 even #s); the southern side of Williston Road (#1055-1495) to the east of Route 116 over to and including Hayden Parkway and south through the Prouty Parkway/Southview neighborhood.]