Progressive Party Caucus at Shrewsbury Library

Past event
Sep 20, 2017, 7 to 8 PM

Progressive Party Informational Meeting and Caucus
Wednesday, September 20th at 7pm at the Shrewsbury Library
A new Progressive Party town committee is forming in Shrewsbury after a hiatus of many years.
Anyone interested in learning more about the Vermont Progressive Party and the role a Shrewsbury Progressive
Party committee might play in our political system is cordially invited to attend
ROBIN CHESNUT-TANGERMAN, Progressive/Democrat legislator representing the Rutland-Bennington
county district will be there to talk about the Party, his experiences and to answer questions.
The Vermont Progressive Party Platform can be found at party-platform/ and the Party website is for those interested in learning more prior to the meeting.
Following the informational meeting, the mandatory caucus will take place to elect a chair, a secretary, a treasurer
and representatives to the county committee. This procedure is part of the reorganization process required of all
political parties every two years. Only those who decide at this meeting to become part of the Shrewsbury Progressive Party town committee will be eligible to run and/or vote for these positions.
Please consider attending the meeting even if you have another political party affiliation or none at all but are curious to learn more about the Progressive Party in Vermont. You are not making a commitment to join the Shrewsbury Progressive Party committee simply by attending to learn more.
And please IGNORE the misleading wording of the 3 official notices which are posted in town which refer to
"Progressive Party voters". You do NOT have to be a "Progressive Party voter" to participate. ALL are welcome!
contact Barbara Hoffman at 802-492-3532 or for more information

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