Huge/Field Lawn Sale - Cabot Plains Rd/Bolton Rd

Past event
Sep 16 to 17, 2017

SAT SEPT. 16 & SUN 17 Hrs. 7:00 to 5:00---Between 2421 Cabot Plains Road and Bolton Rd, Cabot, VT

Antiques, Tools, glassware, many good used tires, set of 4 Saab aluminum rims 15" with tires, new 1970's Chevy pickup right fender, large air powered automobile lift/jack, vintage brand new condition 76 + mobile advertising signs, furniture, like new push lawn mower, wood burning stoves, vintage Slingerland drum set, old trunks, antique carpenters wooden tool chest, pickup truck roll bar, Bunn commercial coffer machine, set of 4 Chevy aluminum slot rims unilug, working refrigerator, working full size freezer. NO BABY STUFF Way to much to list! EVERYTHING PRICED TO SELL!!

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