Hinesburg Development Review Board Meeting Sept. 19

Past event
Sep 19, 2017

Hinesburg Development Review Board Meeting Agenda
Town Office – Lower Level Conference Room
7:30PM - Tuesday, September 19, 2017

1. Agenda Changes

2. Review minutes of the September 5, 2017 meetings

3. Bruce Wheeler: Sketch plan review for a proposed 2-lot subdivision for an approximately 12.6-acre property located at 331 Windswept Way in the Rural Residential 1 District. Lot 1 would consist of approximately 7.2 acres and include the existing house. Lot 2 would consist of approximately 5.4 acres and a house site to be accessed from Windswept Way.

4. Town of Hinesburg Highway Garage and CSWD Facility: Site Plan review for a new, relocated town highway garage and Champlain Solid Waste District transfer station on a 38-acre property located at 907 Beecher Hill Road in the Rural Residential 1 Zoning District.

5. Town of Hinesburg Recreation Fields: Review of proposed revisions to the 12/2/14 subdivision, site plan, and conditional use approvals to reflect as-built conditions. The 8.19-acre property is located south of Shelburne Falls Road and west of VT Route 116 in the Village NW and Agricultural Zoning Districts.

6. Other Business:

 Janos Laszlo: Decision Deliberation – Subdivision Revision to modify driveway access conditions for a new 13.11-acre parcel located on the west side of Leavensworth Road. Hearing closed on September 5, 2017

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