Build a Stronger Vermont- Support the Champlain Housing Trust

Past event
Dec 4, 1:30 PM to 12 AM, Dec 7, 2013

Please help support The Champlain Housing Trust and our community!

There are only a few more days to cast your vote in KeyBank's Build a Stronger Vermont competition to choose the recipient of a $25,000 grant -- voting ends on Friday, December 6 at 11:59pm.

There are a lot of great organizations competing and three will win one of the awards. But YOU only have one vote, and here's why I think you should choose the Champlain Housing Trust:

** CHT's financial literacy and education programs help over 1,000 people each year, and over 800 are in credit or budget counseling.

** Of these, CHT will help 100 purchase their first home, and help about 150 avoid foreclosure

** Federal funding for this program has been slashed by more than 50%, jeopardizing CHT's ability to serve low income households that need these tools the most.

If you haven't done so yet, please take a minute to go to KeyBank's Build a Stronger Vermont page on Facebook (get there by clicking, "Like" the page, and scroll to the bottom and choose Champlain Housing Trust. If you do not have a Facebook account or would rather vote in person, you can walk into any KeyBank branch in Vermont to fill out a ballot. Please take minute and vote for CHT and help them provide the services that are so valued in our community.

PS: KeyBank staff have stated that they are no longer collecting personal information for use beyond just verifying their one person/one vote rules. I know that has been of concern.

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