Montpelier & Wells River Railroad

Past event
Sep 10, 2017, 2 PM

The Newbury Historical Society invites the public to take a virtual train ride at it’s presentation on the Montpelier & Wells River Railroad on September 10th at the Wells River Congregational UCC Church at 76 Main Street North at 2:00pm.

Some people in the greater Wells River area will remember the Montpelier-Wells River Railroad, the short line railroad that carried passengers, US Mail, feed grains, milk, and granite to name just a few items between Montpelier and Wells River between the 1870s until the middle of the last century. If you arrived in the area after 1956 you didn’t have to opportunity to ride the train, but you may have traveled a portion of the route using the Cross Vermont Trail that uses portions of the old rail bed beginning in Wells River to Montpelier before going on to Burlington.

Norwich resident Irv Thomae will be the guest speaker. He has been collecting maps, photos, artifacts, and especially oral histories of the Montpelier-Wells River line from former employees, customers, and neighbors of the railroad since the 1960s.

The program is free and open to the public. The church is ADA accessible. Light refreshments will be served

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