WRWA Annual Meeting Sept. 9 at Molly Stark

Past event
Sep 9, 2017, 9 AM to 3 PM

The Windham Regional Woodlands Association (WRWA) invites members and the public to attend the WRWA Annual Meeting this Saturday, September 9th from 9am - 3pm (rain or shine) at Molly Stark State Park. Molly Stark State Park is in the “backyard” of the Hogback Mountain Conservation Association (HCMA). The WRWA has invited HCMA members to participate in our meeting and we look forward to meeting new friends.

The morning portion of the program includes coffee and doughnuts while visiting with friends, a welcome to the park, a brief business meeting, and a tour led by State Forester Tim Morton of this winter’s spruce patch clear-cuts to increase trail views and enhance habitat for snowshoe hare while protecting existing recreation trails and park infrastructure.

A potluck lunch follows. Grill orders are included in your $7 registration. Please RSVP ASAP to let Carol Morrison (WindhamWoodlands@gmail.com) know you are coming and whether you would like a hamburger, hot dog, vegetarian burger (or all the above!).

In the afternoon, Diana Todd (President of Hogback Mountain Conservation Association and past WRWA
Trustee) will make a presentation about HMCA’s 10-year program to develop Early Successional Habitat on the former ski slopes in the conservation area. This experimental program hopes to combine ESH-generation with recreational use of the former ski slopes. Bill Guenther, Windham County Forester, will provide a legislative update and update on
wood products market.

Details can be found at http://windhamwoodlands.org/current-programs/. We hope to see you there!

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