Four area musicians of national fame will join forces in “A Song for India” at Court Street Arts in Haverhill NH, on Sunday, September 24, at 4 pm. Two extraordinary vocalists, the legendary Betty Johnson Gray, and her acclaimed daughter, Lydia Gray, join Ed Eastridge on guitar in a supremely engaging mix of Latin and classic pop. Master fiddler, Patrick Ross, explores Indian music, adding yet another dimension to his astonishing stylistic repertoire.
A Song for India is a benefit concert for Help Kids India (HKI), an East Corinth, VT, non-profit which supports three crèches (preschools) for impoverished children in South India. HKI President and founder of the crèches, Betsy Dailey, of Charlotte, NC, will greet concert goers. The Court Street Arts Café opens at 3:00 pm with spirits, Indian soft drinks and a selection of Indian sweets. Also starting at 3:00, the HKI Bazaar will offer fine handicrafts produced in India by women at risk.
Tickets: $10 basic, $20 supporter, $35 benefactor. Reservations at or call 603 989-55.