Development Application in Your Neighborhood

Past event
Sep 14, 2017, 6:30 PM

On Thursday, September 14, the Essex Planning Commission will review an application to transfer 2.00 acres from 105 Brigham Hill Road to 109 Brigham Hill Road. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Offices, 81 Main St.

The application is scheduled to be processed under Consent Agenda, meaning that Community Development staff has already written a draft approval letter for the project. If the Planning Commission decides an application is significant enough to warrant more discussion, the PC can pull the application from consent agenda.

Comments from the public are welcome at the meeting and, for consent agenda items, must be made during the "Public Comments" period at the beginning of the meeting.

Plans and reports are online at{4244294F-1BC3-44EF-AFEA-695EA129F287}.

The full Planning Commission agenda is available online at{14B29EEC-14C7-46B3-9943-888923974E42}&a[...]92}.

For more information about any item on the agenda, please visit the Community Development Department at 81 Main St., call 878-1343, or email or

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