at the Halifax Celebration
9/23, 11-2pm, Branch Road
The Halifax Marketplace is designed to promote, celebrate and support the many Halifax residents who support themselves in creative, entrepreneurial ways. Please contact me ASAP if you'd like to participate. Still on the fence? A flyer and more info about the Marketplace is available here: https://www.facebook.com/cara.cheyette.9
The market will highlight vendors with connections to Halifax (residents, property owners, items made in or sourced in Halifax), but everyone is welcome! The market “fee” is an item from each vendor or a coupon toward your goods to add to a raffle, the proceeds of which will help support the Community celebration in future years.
Other Market events:
- A real-time Halifax Craigslist. Got a service to offer? Looking to hire? Need a hand? Got an item for sale or looking for an item? Please contact Anna (annaduca@yahoo.com) for more info, or swing by the tent at the market to fill out a card to post.
- A still in-the-works, community art project for adults and kids alike.
Vendors to date:
Back Roads Granola
BitterSweetPea (handmade eco-friendly goods and photography)
Blue Ledge Kitchen (bread, biscotti/sweets, sandwiches)
Calico Comforts (quilts)
Coopers Coop (bread, eggs, canned goods and jams)
Halifax Hollow Micro Farm (small batch canned foods)
Hermit Thrush Homestead (produce) Laughing Gnome (produce, flowers, handmade cards)
Millie’s Heritage Farm (beef, pork, chickens and eggs)
Nekki Saladino (jewelry)
Snow Ridge Farm (honey and soap) Sumner Farm Table (maple syrup and fried dough
The Farmhouse Kitchen (hot prepared foods, jams and more)
Tucker Ridge Farm (crafts and more)
Worden kids (lemonade)
More info about the Halifax Celebration is available here: https://www.facebook.com/patricia.dowtownclerk?pnref=lhc.friends