Relocalizing VT: Nature's Value; Locavore Book

Past event
Sep 7, 2017, 9 to 10:30 AM

Coming up Thursday on Goddard College Community Radio - how to value the services nature provides, and mapping the locavore landscape of Vermont.

9:00 - 10:00 am
Norwich professor and Berlin Selectboard member Jeremy Hansen is putting together The Vermont Locavore’s Guide (now in a Kickstarter campaign.) Hansen and Cecile Green will talk about the benefits and challenges of eating local in Vermont right now.

Paul Sutton is part of an international team trying to put a price on the services nature provides, e.g., flood control benefits from wetlands. Twenty years ago, the team calculated that these ecosystem services were almost twice the world GDP. Now they’ve looked at the calculations again and found that the earth has lost the ability to provide trillions of dollars in services Sutton will explain how it’s possible at all to think about a value for the planet, and what it means that trillions in ecosystem services are being lost.

10:00 - 10:30 am
Resilience Thoughts, a locally told Extempo story, plus upcoming events related to energy, food, and the local economy at the end of the age of oil.

Please tune in! Relocalizing Vermont runs Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:30 am Eastern, on WGDR Plainfield 91.1 FM / WGDH Hardwick 91.7 FM / streaming at

Now with on-demand streaming for two weeks after air date at

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