Upcoming Events with Blackbird Wellness VT

Past event
Sep 14, 2017

Hi Friends,

Virginia Merriam and I will be hosting two events this month: Restorative Retreat and Essential Oils Workshop

Here are the details ....

Essential Oils - Living Without Chemicals
Thursday, September 14th from 6:00pm- 7:30pm at Blackbird Wellness located at 92 Lower Main Street in Morrisville

Class Description:
Come learn about the many healing properties of pure essential oils and how they support the body's natural healing system to reduce stress & anxiety, promote deeper sleep, relax & soothe sore muscles, decrease joint pain, support your immune system, uplift your spirits and restore emotional balance.

Opportunity to sample many high quality essential oils and get your questions answered so you can feel empowered to use these beautiful oils in your daily life!
Reservations are required.
Cost $10.00.
For more information, or to reserve your spot please email animayogavt@gmail.com.

Restorative Retreat
Saturday, September 15th 3-5:30pm at River Arts 74 Pleasant Street Morrisville, VT

Looking to deeply unwind and restore?
In this special event of restorative yoga, reiki & gentle massage, aromatherapy, sound bowls, warm packs and eye pillows are integrated to facilitate a deep sense of calm in mind, body and spirit.
Restorative yoga is a deeply relaxing practice, often referred to as the yoga of surrender. It is a receptive practice which incorporates the use of bolsters, props, and blankets to support the body in holding gentle yoga poses. At the heart of restorative yoga is the balance of energies that flow throughout the body bringing the body and mind into balance allowing for the body to enter a deep state of relaxation. In this state you are able to let go of deep holding patterns in your body allowing your body to heal.
Therapeutic grade essential oils are specifically chosen for each yoga pose, to promote overall health, well-being, relaxation, and stress reduction. Essential oils are the pure essence of a plant and have been found to provide both psychological and physical benefits. When inhaled, they work by stimulating smell receptors in the nose, which then send messages through the nervous system to the limbic system — the part of the brain that controls emotions. When restorative yoga and essential oils are incorporated into a single practice, your whole body is brought into a deep relaxed state, allowing your mind to become quiet and reflective.
Reiki and gentle massage will be offered while resting in poses. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.
Cost: $40
Preregistration required - maximum of 12.
To register please email animayogavt@gmail.com

Jennifer Moody

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