Deep Change Conference

Past event
Sep 16, 9 AM to 3:30 PM, Sep 17, 2017

Deep Change 2017
In this two-day conference, we will explore the ways our fundamental narratives about the world are evolving (change the story) the transformational power of being (let the story go) to support our communities as we move towards a just and sustainable culture.

Elements of Deep Change 2017:
- Plenary sessions facilitated by Jeannie Zandi and Jon Bliss
- Interactive workshops lead by local and regional experts and tradition bearers
- In depth conversation in Breakout groups facilitated by community leaders

Throughout, we aim to provide all conference participants healing opportunities through connecting to self, spirit, nature, purpose, community and possibility.

Four Conference Tracks:
Love Based Activism: Motivating from a place of love helps sustain the activist and creates positive impacts and desired outcome. Identify tension and engage in a process to work with it. Evaluate our own activism. Get in touch with grief and transform it to empowerment.

Regenerative Design: Co-create with nature to create inwardly nourishing and abundant landscapes. Learn to organize your inner and outer landscape in harmony with nature’s patterns.

Globalization of Addiction: The globalization of the free-market economic system produces the understandable human response of addictions of all kinds: substances, work, consumption, power, security. Acknowledging our place and role in this process, we will begin to explore alternative ways of healing and being.

Interfaith Dialogue: Can we come together around the common spiritual basis of our work and make that the basis of our work in the world without imposing specific belief systems? Explore: What does that look like? How is it happening? And how can it be developed further?

Goals of Deep Change 2017
- Support the emergence of a new orientation toward positive social change
- Network groups and people to work together to bring about positive change
- Inspire visions and support their actualization

As we create the conference, we commit to:
- Maintain an atmosphere of sacred space, meaningful dialogue, and deep connection among participants
- Make the conference and conference preparation an invigorating, healthy, and restful experience for facilitators, presenters, organizers, and participants
- Maintain the connections and momentum that emerge from within the conference
- Provide space where inner and outer conflicts are revealed and held with care

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