Jericho Planning Commission

Past event
Sep 5, 2017, 7 to 9 PM

The Jericho Planning Commission meets on Tuesday September 5 from 5:00 - 7:00. All are welcome to attend.

The following items are on the agenda:

1) Public Comment. This is the time for the public to offer comments on any issue.

2) The Planning Commission intends on applying for a municipal planning grant through the state of VT. They will talk about potential grant projects.

3) They will talk about some energy planning and agricultural planning topics.

4) The PC has had a table at the Jericho Farmers Market over the last couple of weeks. They will discuss feedback received as well as future Markets they will be attending. (September 7, September 28 and October 5)

Please reach out to the Town Planner, Katherine Sonnick with any comments or questions at

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