Coming up Thursday on Goddard College Community Radio - a look back at the human impact on the land in Vermont, to understand what’s happening now. Plus explorations of a design philosophy whose proponents think it can change the world—and is doing so.
9:00 - 10:00 am
He loves loons, but don’t call him loony! Biologist Eric Hanson specializes in loon restoration, and he’s giving talks around Vermont with an overview of Vermont ecology and human impact. (His next one is at the Old Town Hall in Brookfield, 7 p.m. on Sept. 5.) We’ll talk about human impacts on the Vermont landscape historically, along with some current challenges, like pollinators and rapidly spreading species.
What is permaculture? Can we use it to reverse climate change, build a more resilient future, and revitalize our communities? To the second question, permaculture practitioner Jono Neiger says yes, yes, and yes in his book Permaculture Promise. (The answer to the first question is more complicated…)
10:00 - 10:30 am
Resilience Thoughts, a locally told Extempo story, plus upcoming events related to energy, food, and the local economy at the end of the age of oil.
Please tune in! Relocalizing Vermont runs Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:30 am Eastern, on WGDR Plainfield 91.1 FM / WGDH Hardwick 91.7 FM / streaming at
Now with on-demand streaming for two weeks after air date at