Show 20 Art Opening Reception Friday

Past event
Sep 1, 2017, 5 to 9 PM

Join the artists of The Front Gallery ( and the surrounding community to celebrate the opening of SHOW 20 this Friday, September 1, 2017, 5-9 PM.

Light refreshments and drinks will be served at the opening reception, which is free and open to the public! The show presents the work of the collective gallery’s 17 Vermont-based contemporary artists. In addition, guest artist Karen Henderson, a fiber artist based in Montpelier, will present several of her works. Karen uses different dye techniques as well as sewing to explore seasons, atmospheres, and the ephemeral nature of changing times of day. Limited edition prints by several of the gallery’s artists will be available for sale.

The show runs from September 1-30, 2017; gallery hours are Friday 5 - 8 PM, Sat 11 AM-8 PM.

The Front is located 6 Barre Street in downtown Montpelier, diagonally across and around the corner from the Savoy Theatre. This exhibition is part of Vermont Arts 2017, a year-long celebration coordinated by the Vermont Arts Council highlighting an array of arts events that take place all across the state.

Hope to see you there!

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