Teen Dungeons and Dragons

Past event
Aug 27, 2017, 5 to 7 PM

Dragonborn, halfling, gnome, elf, goliath. These are just some of the types of characters to choose from before embarking on our adventure this Sunday, August 27 at 5 p.m. at the Varnum Memorial Library. No D&D experience required to join our campaign: we'll help you build a character and get started. We'll not only have a blast, we'll also develop math skills, work on critical thinking and team building, and, of course, exercise our imaginations. Think Dungeons and Dragons isn't for you? Give it a shot; you might be surprised!

Grades 6-12 welcome to attend this free monthly event. Snacks provided.

For more information, contact 644-2117 or visit varnumlibrary.org.

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