Fun Ways to Record Seasonal Changes on Your Property Thursday, August 24, 6:30pm – 8:30pm. A journaling workshop co-sponsored by VT Coverts and the Huntington Public Library. Please note that this workshop will take place at the Birds of Vermont Museum on Sherman Hollow Road.
In the tradition of British garden journals, the journals of Henry David Thoreau, the Voyage of Discovery and other property record keepers, come enjoy a little time outdoors learning specific ways to record data on your own property that can help you in future land planning and management as well as simply enjoying your natural environs. Join naturalist/artist/educator Clare Walker Leslie to explore journaling. Pre-registration is appreciated, but not required. To register contact Lisa Sausville at 877-2777, or or Anne or Stacey at 434-4583 or
Participants should bring a pencil, notebook, binoculars, water bottle, bug spray, and a few field guides if you have them.
Donations are welcome.
The Huntington Public Library has three of Clare Walker Leslie's books to help you prepare: Keeping a Nature Journal, The Curious Nature Guide, and Drawn to Nature.
Feb 27, 2025, 1:30 to 2:30 PM
So You Want to Write a Book! RescheduledFeb 27, 2025, 7 to 8 PM
Australian Ballot Voting on Open Offices and BudgetMar 4, 2025, 7 AM to 7 PM