Help Westfield Build Trashosaurus

Past event
Aug 26, 2017, 8 AM to 12 PM

Saturday, Aug. 26th -- 8 a.m. to Noon
Westfield Recycling Center at the Town Garage
757 VT Route 100

Help us bring TRASHOSAURUS to life!

Children and adults of all ages can participate by bringing clean recyclables. Each recyclable item brought will be added by the participant to the chicken-wire dinosaur structure until we’ve covered the entire surface. Bring beverage bottles, styrofoam egg cartons, aluminum cans, plastic milk jugs and plastic bags to help bring Trashosaurus to life! This unique, community creation will be displayed on the Westfield Common for all to enjoy while creating awareness of the items in our lives that can be recycled. Visit the Town of Westfield's website at for pictures of the dinosaur structure.

Sponsored by the Hitchcock Memorial Museum and Library & the Westfield Recycling Center with special thanks to Steve Myott of Westfield for creating the Trashosaurus structure.

For additional information contact the Hitchcock Memorial Museum and Library • (802) 744-8258

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