Explorers of Norwich: on Land and Sea

Past event
Aug 31, 2017, 4 to 6 PM

Opening Reception: Sullivan Museum Rotunda, Light Refreshments
This exhibition will focus on amazing individuals who, after leaving Norwich, followed myriad career paths which shaped and changed the United States during the 19th century. View items reflecting the stories of the Wilkes and Rogers-Ringgold expeditions, which between them explored the South Pacific, the Arctic, and the western United States. Also included is the story of the building of the Panama Railroad. Follow General Grenville Dodge, George M. and George P. Colvocoresses, William Brenton Boggs and others who traversed the world in search of new lands and discoveries on behalf of the nation. This exhibition is supported in part by the TAWANI Foundation and several major museums in the Northeast.

For more information, visit the website or call:
www.norwich.edu/museum 802-485-2183 Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-4pm; Sat. 11am-4pm

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