Join Orleans County NRCD and Richard Hall at Fairmont Dairy in Craftsbury for a field day on land management for soil health. Drawing on soil NRCS soil health evaluation tools and local expertise this field day will provide local farmers, landowners and service providers with information on soil health with a focus on soil organic matter and its effects on climate resiliency and profitability. This is VTAAFM approved for 2 hours of required RAP water quality training, and includes a FREE LUNCH (RSVP to Sarah Damsell at 802-624-7008 by August 18). Location: 783 S Albany Rd, Craftsbury VT.
This workshop will include:
-Fairmont Dairy cropping history, experience with reduced till, no-till rotations & cover crops and lessons learned by Richard Hall
-What is soil health, soil organic matter and how to measure it using NRCS soil health test kit by Charlotte Rosendahl, Agronomist & Sterling College Faculty
-Current and projected impacts of climate change on Vermont agriculture and how increased soil organic matter can be a strategy for resilience & profitability. Includes NRCS rain fall simulator demo by Josh Faulkner, UVM Farming & Climate Change Coordinator
See you there!