Aug. 31 Kickoff Meeting

Past event
Aug 31, 2017

(The following letter from Superintendent Suesette Bollard has been hand transcribed from a scanned document. )

To the members of the Central Vermont Unified Union School District in the communities of Northfield and Williamstown:

It is with both excitement and anticipation that I invite you - implore you, really - to join us on Thursday everning, August 31, for a special meeting of the new Central VT Unified Union School District (CVUUSD). We will gather at the Brown Public Library in Northfield, VT at 6:00 pm to begin the work of building a district that will unify us and provide new opportunities and possibilities for our students. Immediately following the school district special meeting, the CVUUSD Board will have its initial meeting where they will elect officiers and look at an overview of the work ahead.

As most of you know, the merger of our two districts received enthusiastic support from both the Northfield and Williamstown communities, and this has given all of us both energy and excitement as we begin studying and implementing the cost savings and efficiencies that will make us stronger and better able to increase opportunities for our students as they prepare for college, the workforce, or whatever life paths they choose.

That said, there is still work to be done and there will likely be new challenges to overcome. Fortunately, our schools will continue to be well-governed by the boards who currently oversee them, and our new unified boards (made up of many of the same people) are committed to making sure both towns are well represented at the table. The voters of Northfield and Williamstown have given all of us a tremendous opportunity: the opportunity to be stronger...and better...not only as the individual schools and cultures we've been for many years, but as the unified district we will become.

I hope you will join us on Thursday, August 31 for our kick-off meeting and light refreshments. With the help and support of Northfield Superintendent Laurie Gossens, I look forward to serving and working with you over the coming year.


Susette L. Bollard
Superintendent Designee for CVUUSD for the Transitional Year
Orange North Supervisory Union

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