Circles for Sharing Peace

Past event
Aug 20, 2017, 2 to 3 PM

Circles for Sharing Peace

What/why: A middle child with three siblings, I was sometimes be referred to as “the Peacemaker” by my mom. That label hasn’t revealed its importance until only recently. Since Standing Rock, I have started exploring my native roots and soul, and have come to learn the power behind Circle Processes, Talking Pieces, Sage, and Active Presence. These components cross-globally/culturally create a culture of mindfulness, individuality, community, and most importantly, awareness. Until recently, I was comfortable shouting that I was an open-minded liberal, until in conversation with a Trump supporter. As soon as this man told me who he voted for, I stereotyped him and rejected his company. Hurt, he called upon my ironic hypocrisy, and I haven’t stopped thinking of it since. As humans, we are comfortable in our boxes; however, we don’t evolve as individuals and as a species, if we play it safe, actively living through similarities and unity.

This event is free and will always be an option. You will be asked to sit next to someone entirely different than you.

Where: In a circle, under one of the sublime trees on the Montpelier Statehouse Lawn. In the winter, the location will change.

When: Sunday afternoons at 2pm-3pm

How: These circles hopefully will bring us together, even if for a little while. We will sit in a circle, and have a moment of silence, followed by respectful thoughts using a Talking Piece/Peace. Potentially we could end with music.

Who’s Invited:
Others who practice unnamed religions
-Obama fans
-Trump fans
-Mike Pence fans
-Hillary fans
-Nader fans
-Bernie fans
-People who litter
-People who care about the environment
-All genders
-All sexes
-All feminine natures
-All masculine natures
-All sexual orientations
-Abled people
-Disabled people
-People of various shades: red, black, yellow, white, brown, albino, pink, grey, blue
-All weights
-All heights
-All sizes
-All ages
-All experiences
-All walks of life

As people, as soon as we’re gruffly confronted by someone, we get defensive...and that’s where passion, and sometimes radicalism come in. We have to be a culture where we are practice equality--we all take time to hear thoughts and experiences. As Atticus Finch noted that you can’t know someone until you’re walked in their shoes. That includes all people. If we give a gentle space for passion/radicalism to live, it will soon fizzle out. Especially if it’s covered in love. Be courageous and join the revolution/evolution of peace, love and equality.

Contact me: if you have any questions.

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