CAR Fun Run/Walk and Smuggs Season Pass Raffle!

Past event
Sep 4, 2017, 9:30 AM to 12 PM

This Cambridge Area Rotary FUNDraiser is a fun and healthy way for the whole family or even high end runners
to raise money to support local and international community service projects.

This is 10th the Cambridge Area has coordinated event. During that time over $25,000 has been raised!

A big thanks to Smuggs who has donated a Full Season Pass to be raffled off!
Participants and spectators can enter the drawing!
Raffle tickets will be sold the day of the event!

Event Details and How to Register:

The 9:30am start is at the Cambridge Village Store and the finish is at the Cambridge Community Center.
The course is mainly on Williamson Road.

Registration Fees:
$25 - Family (1 adult & 1 child aged 12 and Under)
$20 - Adult
$15 - Youth 12 and under, Older youths and 60+
$15/ea - Teams of 3 or more
First place awards for top male and female finishers.
Awards for male & female: ages 9 and Under, 10–13, 14–19, 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, 70–79, 80+

Post Fun Run\Walk there will be the locally famous door prize raffle – which includes a Smuggs full season pass and great food prepared by the Rotarians!

How to Register?
On-line or download the registration form by clicking on this link or copy and past to your browser:

For additional event information visit or
email Sam Lotto at or call 793-5509.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Getting ready for an event like this can be fun and healthy for whole family!
Here is a great article on how to prepare:

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