Here's the agenda for Monday night's meeting:
6:30 Review of the Warrants
7:00 Call to Order
7:01 Public Comment
7:10 Treasurers Report
Approval of Licenses, Permits, Vouchers and Applications
Old Business
7:35 Health Insurance
7:50 Regional Public Safety Authority
8:00 Water Supply Project
8:10 FY 14/15 Budget
New Business
8:30 Tax Stabilization Policy
8:45 Assessor Services RFP
8:55 Annual Town Report Bids
9:05 Town Administrator Report - Jeff Schulz
9:15 Approval of Minute(s) of Previous Meetings
9:25 Roundtable
9:30 Legal, Personnel, Contract (Executive Session Anticipated)
I'm going to try to live stream it, but I haven't worked out some the sound issues yet. If you're interested, you can visit here on Monday night:
Assuming I get it up and running, there's a chat feature that you can use to send me messages while the meeting is going on. Note that any messages we exchange should be considered to be on the public record.
Mar 8, 2025, 10 to 11:30 AM
Roxbury Community Crafters - Barn Quilting Basics and DemoMar 8, 2025, 1 to 3 PM
Pegasus Players Presents She Kills MonstersMar 13, 2025, 7:30 PM