West Windsor/Windsor District Merger Negotiations

Past event
Aug 10, 2017, 6 to 8 PM

The WSESU Act 46 Study Committee has broken into two working groups: one (Hartland/Weathersfield) to hash out an alternative governance structure report to the state, and one to explore articles of agreement for a merger between West Windsor and Windsor school districts. The latter group will meet tomorrow, Thursday, August 10th, from 6-8 p.m. in the Albert Bridge School library. Topics of negotiation may include Town Meeting format; tuition grandfathering; "mountain curriculum"; and school closure. The public is welcome to attend, though input may be limited during negotiations. To find out what happened at our last meeting, here is a link to minutes: http://www.westwindsorvt.govoffice2.com/vertical/sites/%7BD8CDCAEE-6783-4071-AE03-8A27DD92A2[...]pdf
Video of that (7/25) meeting may also be accessed through West Windsor's town website.

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